Service Resources
In Person
Worship Opportunities
Sunday - 8:00 am & 10:30 am
Adult Bible Study & Sunday School
9:30 am
Worship Opportunities
We will provide the service folder by means of a PDF document. This format will allow you to print the service on your own, or have it open in a different window to view. Simply click on the Service Folder button below to open.
If you worship online, please sign our eConnect card. We would love to connect with you.
Lenten Mid-Week Services
Special midweek services for Lent at 3:30 pm and 7:00 pm start Wednesday, March 5. The services will
follow a series theme called Reflections on Repentance. "The Lord is not slow to do what he
promised. . .. Instead, he is patient for your sakes, not wanting anyone to perish, but all to come
to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). Luther began his famous debate theses noting that Scripture’s call
to repentance is intended as a way of life. Using David’s great penitential Psalm 51, penned
following his affair with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah, this series of Lenten reflections
explores the depths of our sinful depravity, the brokenness of our relationship with God, our dire
need for rescue, and the good news of forgiveness, cleansing, and rejoicing in our restored
relationship with God and the promise of eternal life through Jesus our Savior.