Committed to Excellence
Grace Lutheran Preschool provides an enriched learning environment that has helped countless students learn, develop and grow. Our unparalleled curriculum and teaching methods help students take the next step in their education and approach the future with confidence.
We have the privilege of teaching bright and curious students from Saint Joseph and the surrounding areas and beyond. If you’re new to our community and would like to learn more about our values, academics, teaching staff or anything else, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Must be 3 years old before September 1st
The PreK 3/4 program is the first step in our Early Childhood Program. It is intended for students who at least 3 years of age by September 01 (and fully potty-trained) and plans to attend Kindergarten in 1-3 years. Parents may select how many days/week they would like to have their child in this program which runs from 8:15 am- 11:15 am. Parents may also indicate which days of the week they would prefer their child attend, though that is subject to availability. (Program capped at 20 students per day.)
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14
Must be 4.5 years old before September 1st
The Young 5s program is a Kindergarten readiness program for those who missed the September 1 cut-off or who need an additional year of PreK. Students enrolled in this program will meet every afternoon from 12:15 - 3:15 Monday through Friday. (Program capped at 24 students per day.)


How We Help
We highly value Christ-centered education and the role it plays in equipping the next generation of Christian leaders. As such we strive to set our educational fees at a level that makes Christian education accessible to every family that would like to provide that gift to their children. It is an investment, but at the end of the day, we believe it is 100% worth every penny. Click below to find out more about our competitive rates.

The Information You Need
Grace is a wonderful place for your child to learn and grow. Our programs are highly regarded in the community and the limited space generally fills very quickly. General information can be found in the brochure below. We recommend you call today to find out more and schedule a personal visit with Mrs. Lockman, the program director and lead teacher.

Your Gateway to Learning
The enrollment process begins by contacting the school office to find out program availability. New families are encouraged to set up a meeting with Mrs. Lockman to learn more about the program. The next step involves filling out the registration form and returning it to the school office with a $100 non-refundable registration fee. After that, Grace will be in contact with you to provide any additional required paperwork. Welcome to the family!

Choosing a school for your child is a big decision, one that will affect your family for years to come. The best way to tackle this decision is by visiting our campus to see if it's right for your child and your family. On your private tour, we will show you our campus and, most importantly, answer your questions about private, Christian education.