Sharing the Love of Christ
Welcome to our church, both members and visitors alike! We pray God’s love and message of salvation through his Son, Jesus Christ brings you peace and joy.
Our church is a group of people who believe and teach that Jesus is the only Savior from sin and his Word recorded for us in the Holy Bible is without error and is not to be changed in any way. We express and emphasize this unity of faith and doctrine in our worship, classes and literature.
We are eager to share Jesus Christ’s loving Word of forgiveness and salvation with each other and our community. It is our privilege to build up one another in faith and to reach out to others who don’t yet know the blessings of faith in our Savior, Jesus.
Grace is also a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), working with other Christians around the world to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Christ’s love, which he demonstrated by his perfect life and by his suffering and death on the cross, is the foundation for our relationship with God, the focus of our faith, and the motivation for all we do as Christians. In that same love for sinners, Christ not only lived and died to set us free from sin and guilt, but he also rose again in victory on the first Easter Sunday, assuring us that his victory is our victory and that his resurrection is our resurrection. Saved by his grace alone, we look forward to his glorious return as we proclaim the good news of what his love has accomplished.